Fees & early years funding

The garden house school  fees

Fees are fully inclusive (i.e. ballet, swimming, meals and outings are included). There is an additional charge for some residential trips and 1:1 tuition. Our fees for the academic year 2024/25 are:
£6,950 per term
£8,960 per term
Transition & Junior School
£9,525 per term
Middle School & Upper School  
£9,600 per term
All fees quoted are exclusive of VAT.

There is a 5% reduction in fees for second and subsequent children attending as pupils concurrently. Bursaries are available to parents requiring assistance with school fees. After school clubs are charged separately every term. All other arrangements relating to fees are available from the Bursar.

early year funding

Garden House School is an eligible Early Years Provider for Early Years Funding ("EYF").

Please contact the Bursar for further information.

To claim the funding parents or guardians need to apply to The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea by completing the Parental Declaration Form for Free Entitlement (please see below).

In addition, we ask you to complete a Garden House EYF Form.
