The parents' role

Communication between Garden House School and the parents is of paramount importance

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We believe in a partnership between home and School. Only by means of such a relationship will your child achieve his or her potential.

Parents are always welcome to call the School. We urge parents to attend the many concerts, ballet recitals,  matches, assemblies and other events listed in the School Calendar.

Garden House has an active Parents' Association

Each class is represented on the Parents' Association Committee by a class parent known as the Class Representative.
The Parents' Association raises money for charities, provides social occasions for parents and staff and works with the School to enhance the experience of the children.

The School and the Parents' Association host jointly an annual drink's party for each Class.

This is an opportunity for parents to meet the parents of their child's class mates and for them to meet the teachers in an informal setting.
The Parents' Association meets twice a term at the School to review past events and plan new ones. The Parents' Association welcomes new, enthusiastic parents to join their ranks.

THe PA is at the  Heart of the School

The Parents' Association makes a valuable and much-appreciated contribution to the school
