Head of girls

emma studd

Emma joined Garden House School in 1998 becoming Head of the Girls' School in April 2020. Before becoming Head, Emma worked predominately in the upper part of the school teaching Maths and English and specialising in preparing the girls for 11+.
Emma went to school at Wellington College, she then graduated from Bristol University with a BSc Hons in Psychology and achieved her PGCE at Roehampton University.

"It is a privilege to be the Head of Garden House Girls' School. Every child has the right to an excellent, well-rounded education; one that prepares them for happiness and success in their future lives and which nurtures within them a feeling of confidence, courage and self-worth. This is what we strive for at Garden House."

As a mother of two teenage girls, Emma understands the importance of celebrating the magic and joy of childhood. She believes that during this crucial stage of a child's development all paths to learning should be thrown open and the children should enjoy a rich, diverse and fulfilling curriculum that gives the children freedom to explore but which also provides them with time to be children.

Garden House, with its core values of kindness, compassion and respect offers children invaluable opportunities and experiences to foster confidence, creativity and problem-solving skills encouraging them to become thoughtful, inquisitive and courageous.

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